Sunday 11 October 2015

Edit Workshop Evaluation

180 degree rule, rule of thirds, match on action. 

The 180 degree rule was established in our shot reverse shot, here this scene denotes Ben playing the boss and Franki playing the other mobster, we talk to each other considering a shipment deal that went wrong. We start this scene with a two shot which connotes where we are both sitting and establishes the 180 degree rule as we go into our shot reverse shot. Through the series of over the shoulder shots you can see that the camera is always placed on Bens left looking at franki, the camera is then always placed on Frankis right shoulder looking at me. By keeping the camera on the same side for our shot reverse shot we have kept to the 180 degree rule and made it clear to the audience.
In terms of match on action this is shown through Franki walking into the office. The first shot denotes Frankis hand opening the door as he also starts to walk through, this is then followed by the second shot, which is a long shot, of Franki continuing to walk through the door into the office. These 2 shots have connoted the match on action in a simple way, however it is clear that this is the match on action which we had to incorporate in our film.

What challenges we faced through production?

I feel that the main problems that we faced through production was the locations and setting, we wanted to have an office for the head of the mafia, but it was hard to achieve the era of a mafia office. Our film will denote throughout that we used an office which was used for large portions of our film. We wanted to connote that the mafia boss had a lush and big office but in or out of school it was hard to find a place that we could really capture the essence of what a mafia office would look like, such as the one in godfather. I feel that some aspects of our Mise-En-Scene also were a bit of a problem as perhaps we could have lowered our lighting in the office which would have added more tension to the scenes.
If we was to film again i think this would be what we changed, the office that we used i felt was too modern for the scene that we wanted to create. I feel that our film would have looked better if we had used an office which looked more old fashioned, as they also tend to be more darker as well this could have also added to the tension of some of our scenes and would have had better mise-en-scene.

What challenges we faced through post production?

Through editing i had realised that continuity was the main problem, when editing i found it hard as we had moved props about and hand movements were also different in certain shots. This made editting harder and i couldnt make a really tight edit because of these slight problems which made me cut shots shorter, and extend other shots which would have preferred not to do. I feel that because our continuity was not perfect it limited me to what i could and couldnt use in each individual shot.

Strength of our work

I feel the main strengths from our film was the camera language that we used, we tried to constantly keep our camera moving to make scenes more exciting. Although some occasions we had to keep the camera stationary, within those shots they were exciting and had a lot of tension in them. The creativity that we had to try and create all kinds of different shots i felt was a particular strength, we wanted to show off our skills using a camera and i feel we did that very well. I felt that the idea itself was very creative in trying to create a mafia scene, but the use of our camer language was a main strength of our film.

Weaknesses of our work

I think the main weakness of our film was the location that we used, we wanted to have a big office but the one we used i felt was too modern for what we wanted to create. It did not look like the offices that are in films such as the godfather, i feel that this was the thing that let down the film the most. I feel that the lighting of our film could have been better as well, i think it was too light and we should have tried to make things darker in the office's scenes to add tension to the film. 

Overall improvements

Overall i think that to improve our film the location has to be changed, the film doesnt fit with the location used and as a result it doesnt look professional. Our budget didnt help the fact that we didnt have one, realistically i think that if we were to have had an office that was more like the one in the godfather then our film would have looked more professional and been better in many aspects. Producing this film has made me realise just how important location is to a film, because if thats right then the whole film looks better.

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