Sunday 6 September 2015

My Media Summer

My media summer was not particularly great as I was out most days and didn't have time to sit back and watch some TV.

My favorite film from this summer was Anchorman 2, although its been out for a couple of years I still find it hilarious as each individual character of the news crew is funny in their own way. I think I particularly like this film so much because its an easy film to watch and to just have a good laugh. 
My favorite bits of the film come from 'brick' played by Steve carell. His opening scene denotes a funeral for him where he thinks he is dead and gives a speech to himself. But the crew make him come to realize he is actually alive. From this opening scene it connotes how he is an unusual figure but the audience instantly fall in love with him because of his quirks and oddity and as he will bring some of the funniest moments of the film.

My next favorite film of the summer was wolf of wall street because looking beyond all the bad things 'Jordan belfort' did  he had that raw ambition to come from being just a normal stockbroker to starting his own firm and tearing wall street apart. Doing that isn't easy but to have that drive and determination to be bigger and better is actually quite inspiring. My favorite part of the film denotes where 'Jordan belfort' is asks the people at the start to sell him the pen and where he does it at the end of the film as well. this connotes how things that seem complicated can be so simple, maybe this can even be applied to ourselves in certain situations and problems that occur.

For my 2 favorite songs of the summer I would have to go with ; JME 'integrity' and Spektrem 'shine' 
JME's song 'integrity' denotes is life and how he started with his brother 'skepta' and moved through to where he is now. The song denotes how his music was not approved or liked early in his career and now he is a big talent in the Grime industry of music. The song connotes how he never gave up on his dream of becoming a grime artist and how you don't have to have lived a harsh life to be able to produce good songs.I think that's why I liked the song a lot because he didn't have a bad start to life as he did achieve a university degree but yet he can still share his experiences of trying to make it as a grime artist.

My two most used websites for the summer was YouTube and Amazon mainly because i kept buying things and if i wasnt watching a YouTube video i was probably uploading one.
I used Amazon alot because over the summer i was constantly adding equipment to my set-up and needing certain props for projects that i'm working on outside of school. Amazon is a trustworthy site, and is just much easier to order something from them rather then searching a whole shopping mall trying to look for it.
YouTube is my favourite website, I easily watch more videos on YouTube then i do watching TV programmes. Wheather its a vlog or a gaming video or a prank, I've probably watched them all. But aside from watching videos i've recently started to upload and start channels up, it something I thought i would do as a little tester, but after my first video i was instantly hooked on making more and doing more videos and pranks and to continuously better myself. 

TV Programs
My favourite TV program is 'Friends' the show denotes a group of 6 friends that share their entire life with each other every day, as every episode features a problems for the characters that after time they will resolve. The show connotes a sense of togetherness, how having a good group of friends you can always trust and rely on can really help you with every day life. I've watched every episode of every season and still hoping for a reunion, over the summer i watched from the very start to the end in 1 week a 'friends fest'

As i watch a lot of YouTube I don't particularly watch much TV plus many series have finished and i am waiting for more such as the Walking Dead series. But watching YouTube videos for me personally is like watching TV, I could sit watching YouTube for hours and much prefer to do it rather then watch TV. I think being able to watch any video i want is more relevant and interesting to my life whereas a series on TV sometimes episodes and get dry and drag on sometimes but every YouTube video that i watch will always be different.

Much of the news that I watch is sport because its one of my passions. Especially over the summer I watched sky sports news everyday to keep up to date with football transfers and other sporting news. However sometimes I will watch the BBC to see what is happening in the world. For me personally watching the news doesn't interest me, its something that seems very repetitive as stories are usually hard news and almost depressing, to me it seems rare that there is much continuity in a bulletin.

My media summer seems unbalanced I seemed to be using the internet and using websites more then watching TV and the news. I think that comes from everything that I need I can get from the internet whether that's updates on news stories or buying something from Amazon. As a whole my summer wasn't especially good for media as i was very busy but the media that i consumed i think was very good.

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